Canninghill Square Located at River Valley Road by CDL and Capitaland Former Liang Court
Canninghill Square is another improvement found right in the core of River Valley by City Developments Limited (CDL). Three significant organizations have collaborated to redevelop the Liang Court project into a coordinated turn of events. The new advancement Canninghill Square will be a coordinated improvement that is found right close to Singapore River. The proposed bargain is by CDL Hospitality Trusts (CDLHT) and Canninghill Square will be a famous improvement found right in the core of the city. Liang Court is situated in an excellent zone with a twofold facade pined to confront the Fort canning slope and Singapore River. Canninghill Square redo gives City Developments Limited an esteemed chance to build an upmarket, high-climb riverfront private improvement that accompanies amazing viewpoints on Singapore River and the Downtown center region. Canninghill Square coordinated advancement’s business units will be associated with Clarke Quay, offering tenants the solace of top notch F&B …